One of the Early flights by the Wright Brothers, 1901, image
I got fascinated by the story of the Wright Brothers a few weeks ago and I got more curious about the story of their invention, and thank God for the internet. I read their story for more than 4 hours
Guess what? I was extremely glad I did as I come across some very useful lessons, which are highly inspiring and relevant to every aspect of life. It really blessed my life and I am delighted to share them with the readers of this blog. Here I go…
Lesson 1 – The Influence of their Father
Their father was said to be the one “who often traveled as a Bishop in the church of the United Brethren in Christ.” While this probably just confirmed the fact they must have gotten the vision for the airplane from the message preached by their father (Chariots of fire taking Prophet Elijah to heaven) to justified what I heard on the radio, the role their father played in their story is of eternal significance. I read of how he particularly instructed the 2 brothers NEVER to fly together in the early stages of their flying experiments so one could keep the dream alive should something unforeseen happen – exemplifying the scripture that WISDOM IS THE PRINCIPAL THING! It is interesting to know that he not only gave them permission to fly together upon the validation and completion of their experiment, it was also on record that he is one of their first ‘passengers’ in 1908 before passing unto glory 11 years later. It was on record that there were a few people before them who would have gotten the patent but perhaps, may be due to their father’s spiritual influence, again, they were favored to be the first to obtain the patent rights.
Lesson 2 – Many wrote them off but they never wrote themselves off
The Wright Brothers were formerly publishers and at some point bicycle repairers from Ohio and that was the perception of many people when the story of their remarkable feat first broke out. Before this time, the US government had spent a lot of money on some of the nation’s foremost scientists with no success.
FLYERS OR LIARS? That was how the front page of a popular French newspaper reported their claim to inventing an airplane in 1906 while US newspapers “alert as they were (then) allowed the sensational performances to escape their notice.” But they were determined and saw the scorn as opportunity to continue their work in semi obscurity. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise as freedom from distraction also ensured competition did not learn their methods. Not even after a crash in 1908 which nearly left one of them dead during their early experiments. On the hospital bed, the guy who had the crash was asked if he will fly again, he said "the only thing am afraid of is that I can't get well enough to finish those tests (flight experiments) next year." The most beautiful part of the story is that it was eventually in the same country (France) they were mocked that they had their first successful public demonstrations.
Lesson 3 - We must leave our mark on the world!
After the death of the eldest of the brothers (Wilbur) at the age of 45 in 1912, their father wrote “A short life, full of consequences, an unfailing intellect, imperturbable temper, great self-reliance and as great modesty, seeing the right clearly, pursuing it steadfastly, he lived and died.” The Wright Brothers no do doubt left their mark on the aviation industry in particular and the world in general. Will the same be said of everyone reading this that you left your mark on your world? What will they write on our tombstone?
Oloyede Ayodele
Oloyede Ayodele
"Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you ALWAYS IN REMEMBRANCE of these things...,"
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