Currently? NO!
Futuristic? YES! This should be the most read blog on planet earth because of
its eternal value because every human being was created in His image - His eternal characteristic. God has been before all and will exist forever. We
all created to live eternally forever. But am not deceiving myself! It is very
likely to be the least ready blog! It is likely to be very dry; with low
possibility of getting a single like on Facebook nor a modest blog open-read
rate! This is without doubt a tough blog to put up. But somebody will ask, why
are you being pessimistic? It is because the scripture said so sir! Matt. 7:13-14
Says “For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and
many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to
life, and only a few find it”.
This blog was first put up in December 2014 but was
abandoned until a month ago when the conviction from the Lord became strong
again. Let me say straight away that I am not the most qualified to do this but
I have resolved like Paul the Apostle said “necessity is laid on me and woe is
me if I preach not the gospel”. (I Cor.9:16). In my case, I will say woe is me if I
fail to do this consistently – I mean maximum of 5 and minimum of 3 ETERNITY
topic post weekly henceforth no matter my busy schedule and I will say blessed
are you when you COMMENT on ETERNITY Blogs at least once a week for now. We
will do these together for the next 3 months and increase it thereafter.
I want
to give you an assurance that this is for our good. It will help us build
ETERNITY into our mindset as we go about our daily assignment and be in a perfect condition to meet with the Lord
either by rapture or when we finish our assignment here on earth.
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