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Showing posts from August, 2015


Because strait  is  the gate, and narrow  is  the way, which leadeth unto life (eternal), and few there be that find it. - Matt.7:14.  I always shiver with goose pimples each time I come across the scripture above and some other like scriptures buttressing the fact that only a few believers will make the kingdom of God. This is not even taking into cognizance the unbelievers (which is a topic for another day). This brings me to the question above because whichever way one chose to look at, few cannot be more than 1 or at most 2 out of every 10 believers. I want to hear from as many believers out there. How few is few? Secondly, is there anything believers can do to change the status quo?  I will be glad to hear from you! 


1 - CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS THIS CROWN IS FOR THOSE BELIEVER'S WHO WERE READY & WAITING FOR THE RETURN OF JESUS - ALL THOSE WHO HAVE LOVED HIS APPEARING. 2 Tim 4:8  "Finally, there is laid up for me the  CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS , which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing." 2 - INCORRUPTIBLE CROWN THIS IS THE VICTOR'S CROWN - FOR THOSE WHO DISCIPLINED THEIR BODIES, AND BROUGHT THEIR BODIES UNTO SUBJECTION— AND HAD SELF-CONTROL. 1 Cor 9:25-27  "Everyone who Competes for the Prize is temperate  (DISCIPLINED)  in  ALL THINGS . Now they do it to obtain a Perishable CROWN, but we for an  IMPERISHABLE (INCORRUPTIBLE) CROWN . Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I  DISCIPLINE MY BODY AND BRING IT UNTO SUBJECTION,  lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqua...


We concluded our half year retreat yesterday in my office. The highlight was the presentation of individual and departmental awards to the deserving recipients.   Speaking while presenting the awards, the MD asked the recipients to ask themselves why they thought they won their colleagues votes to emerge winners while also charging other staff to strive hard to be recognized and rewarded the next time. Immediately the Spirit of the Lord reminded me that a similar thing will take place in heaven, the only difference being that there is no room to encourage people TO TRY AND WIN THE NEXT TIME!  (This is a topic for another day). It is a statement of fact that plenty of rewards is waiting for believers in heaven. Before I share them with you, it is my pleasure to announce to you that the LEAST AWARD in Heaven has already gone to someone probably greater than you spiritually – John, the fore runner of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. Jesus...


Were you attracted here by the above title? Currently? NO! Futuristic? YES! This should be the most read blog on planet earth due to its eternal value because every human being was created in God's image - His Eternal nature. God has been before all and will exist forever. We all created to live eternally (forever). Therefore any topic in this regard should be treated with the highest level of importance and regard by all and sundry. But am not deceiving myself! It is very likely to be the least ready blog! It is likely to be very dry; with low possibility of getting a single like on Facebook, re-tweet on twitter nor a modest blog open-read rate! This is without doubt a tough blog to put up. But somebody will ask, why are you being pessimistic? It is because the scripture said so sir! Matt. 7:13-14 Says “For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life (eternal), an...


Currently? NO! Futuristic? YES! This should be the most read blog on planet earth because of its eternal value because every human being was created in His image - His eternal characteristic. God has been before all and will exist forever. We all created to live eternally forever. But am not deceiving myself! It is very likely to be the least ready blog! It is likely to be very dry; with low possibility of getting a single like on Facebook nor a modest blog open-read rate! This is without doubt a tough blog to put up. But somebody will ask, why are you being pessimistic? It is because the scripture said so sir! Matt. 7:13-14 Says “For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it”. This blog was first put up in December 2014 but was abandoned until a month ago when the conviction from the Lord became strong again. Let me say straight away that...