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Showing posts from July, 2017


A week  after posting  10 THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOU GO TO ETERNITY: xU ,  it could not have been a coincidence but God's incidence that I came across  a very challenging and inspiring article on Thisday online, of a man who PRACTICALLY played out the no. 1 activity recommended as a To-do before a believer goes to eternity  - an activity I also happen to score the lowest among the 10 recommended activities.  I immediately pledged to do same on my next 3 milestone birthdays, as it falls in line with one of my top 5 burning desires  before I go to eternity (read the other 4 here: ) . So help me God. I challenge the readers of this blog to ask me for photo proofs when the time comes. Enjoy the article below and make your own pledge as regards reaching out to the less  privileged  in the society as the Spirit of God will lead you. Out of love for children forgotten by society, the M...

How I Was Arrested To Do This...

The vision to do this blog is EXACTLY 2 years old today.  That was when the FIRST POST ever (see it here: )  went live on this blog. However, the story of how the Lord enabled me to be CONSISTENT with the vision of daily posts on Eternity Reminders Social Media platforms (Face book @Eternity Reminders and Twitter @Eternity Remind)  TO MOTIVATE, INSPIRE AND EMPOWER SAINTS is one of the remarkable stories ever told - I often laugh at myself, each time I have been privileged to share it at several speaking events and I am glad to share it on this platform for the first time ever today.  ALSO READ M y exclusive interview with New York Times here: SIMILAR TO THIS STORY: WHAT WILL YOU DO FOR ETERNITY SAKE IN 2016?   That incident happened on a certain day in the 2 nd quarter of 2015.  I can’t remember the exact day now or exactly what I was doing onl...

10 Things You Should Do before You Go to Eternity... How Many Are You Doing? (PART 2)

The part 1 of this very interesting topic went live last week (read it here if you miss it : .  Enjoy the concluding part and please feel free to share your views in the comment section below. 6. Join Your Church’s Welcome Team Want to really show others you’re on fire for God and are proud to follow Christ? Sign up to be part of your congregation’s welcoming committee. That’s arguably one of the most visible ways to put your faith on display. It also indicates you’re not shy about doing what you can to  help people feel at ease  from the moment they step through the church doors. Image courtesy : ©Thinkstock/digitalskillet 7. Figure Out Which Famous Theologians You Most Often Identify With Whether you gravitate toward Martin Luther or Paul Tillich, it’s important to get perspectives from Christian theologians. As you start to understand their principles and beliefs, you may adopt some of your own and realiz...

What 5 things Do You desire to Do Before You go to ETERNITY? Here is mine...

YOU CAN WRITE YOUR OWN EPITAPH! SEE MINE HERE: 1. My no. 1 burning desire for now to be given the grace to see my MANSION in heaven  and to be exposed to as many heavenly revelations as often as possible. Yes, blessed are they who have not seen but believed...". (John 20:29). I have done this for more than 2 years with this scripture at the back of my mind but now I desire to the glory of His name to manifest according to  1 John 1:1 " What was from the beginning, what  we  have heard, what  we have seen  with our eyes, what  we  beheld and our hands  handled , concerning the Word of Life."   SIMILAR TO THIS: 10 THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOU GO TO ETERNITY: .   2. My second desire is to read the bible cover to cover the number of years God will grant me to see in this world before seeing Him in glory (for instance 70 years = 70 times). I had only done it onc...