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Showing posts from October, 2015

8 Things Christians Need to Do More on Social Media

8 Things Christians Need to Do More on Social Media I’m terrified that because of social media, the entire world can see my words. It means I can hurt more than just the people in front of me every time I choose to not live like Jesus. But what I’ve come to discover is, many people don’t realize this cost. We still treat social media as if it is an exemption from being responsible for our words and actions. We need to get over the power that makes us feel we can say whatever we want on social media, and instead embrace the power to say what only builds up. When we are doing this, we can use social media as a tool for change—something that would honor the life of Jesus rather than shame it. It truly is possible to live and love like Jesus on social media. It is possible to glorify God with our social media activity. We just need a few guidelines to point us in the right direction: 1. Strive for Connection, not Attention. There are two kinds of social media ...


By the special grace of God, I came across the gospel of Jesus Ch rist some years back. While confessing my sins on my knees in prayers, pleading for forgiveness with faith in the BLOOD of Jesus Christ, Jesus showed me mercy and saved my soul (I became born again). I pressed forward in prayers; He sanctified my soul and later baptized me with the Holy Spirit and fire. On Thursday, July 30, 2015, I heard an audible voice that said to me, “You will embark on a journey from which you might either return or not.” This happened right in the Tabernacle while I was praying on my knees, just immediately after the Faith Clinic by my District Superintendent (DS) during the Worker’s Conference that preceded the recently concluded annual camp meeting of The Apostolic Faith Church at Faith City, Igbesa, Ogun State, Nigeria. Thereafter, I began to have some strange feelings of sickness in my body that made people to ask what happened to me. In faith, I replied, “All is well....

What is the Impact of Social Media on A Believer's Eternal Destiny? (2)

I got my first iPhone in 2010, as I started a role in communications and helping lead social media for a campus ministry. “I’ll see if I like it. I might take it back,” I told my friend Cory over lunch. He smirked. “Adam, no one who gets one of these phones ever goes back to life without one.” He was right, of course. A tremendous amount of my life moved from other spaces into this tool: maps, books, newspapers, calendars, music, notes, lists, alarms, reminders, photos, banking, files, recordings, calls, calculations, weather forecasts, and even my Bible and my friendships. Nearly all aspects of my life were somehow tied in with or managed through this little item of metal and glass in my pocket. With so much of life tied up in my constant connectivity, I started to expect everything to always involve my phone. If I wasn’t using my phone, I felt like I wasn’t doing anything. If I wasn’t looking at my phone, I wasn’t seeing anything. If I wasn’t touching my phon...

What is the Impact of Social Media on A Believer's Eternal Destiny? (1)

Hundreds of millions of people are running toward social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to participate in the relational components of the Internet. Are these networks the next big mission field or an enormous waste of time? Should a Christian participate in social networking? The answer to these questions should be determined by whether we can honestly ask God to bless and use our actions for His own good purposes. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” ( 1 Corinthians 10:31 ). If we are willing to let God use our participation for His glory, we have freedom to participate. Christians who choose to participate in social networking should be aware of the negative aspects of social networking. It should be remembered that not everyone on the Internet has pure motives, and we should use safety precautions, utilize the privacy settings, and be selective as to who is accepted as a “friend” or “fan.” Parents should regularly interac...